Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beowulf my answers

Kaitlyn Brooks and I split the questions.

Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation

1. The reason it was unusual that Shield became the ruler was that he started out an orphan but them rose to power.  Like Egyptian rulers and other such royalty, His funeral consisted of his personal treasures being put into a boat; including his son, and was sent out to the sea. After shield's death he was succeeded by Hrothgar.

Heorot is Attacked

1. Hrothgar built the hall of Heorot. Grendal attacked it every night for twelve years killing many people. In response the Danes do not dare go to the hall due to fear.

The Hero Comes to Heorit

1. when Beowulf hears about Hrothgar's problems he creates an army to stop Grendel.

2. When the Geats first arrive in Denmark they come across a nameless watcher whom guarded the shore and Question Beowulf whom explained he was there to cast out Grendel and meet king Hrothgar.

3. This nameless watcher is actually Hrothgar's Herald. he goes to his master and tells him about the Geats insisting that his master invite them.  Hrothgar agrees to this, at which time he remembers Beowulf because he knew Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father.

4. Beowulf tells Hrothgar he plans to fight Grendel. Hrothgar paid the family of a man whom Beowulf's father killed.

Feast at Heorot

1. Unferth accuses Beowulf of having lost a swimming contest, but Beowulf denies this saying he came across many sea monsters and killed 9 by the time he made it ashore. This is important because Beowulf shows no fear when telling his story. At the end Beowulf accuses Unferth of weakness because he has not fought Grendel.

2. Queen Wealhtheow during the feast is taking care of Beowulf's men and thanks him for coming.

The fight with Grendel

1. Beowulf's preparations for battle with Grendel is different from heroic poetry because instead of putting on armor, he takes it off because he ants a fair fight.

2. When Grendel enters Heorot he tares the door off, and drinks the blood of a great warrior. With no weapons Beowulf fights Grendel whom tries to escape but loses am arm which is left behind.

Celebration at Heorot

1. Beowulf and Sigemund are alike because the have both slayed creatures. Beowulf slayed Grendel a monster, and Sigemund slayed a dragon. They are different because Beowulf is not afraid.

2. When Beowulf returns Hrothgar adopts him as his own leaving Unfirth silent.

3. The song is about how the Finns defeated the Danes, but their king made a truce to live separate but under one rule. It also suggested it wise to use marriages to unite tribes on common grounds.

4. Weatheow asks Hrothgar not to make Beowulf heir to the thorn, because they have two sons.

5. The necklace Wealtheow gave Beowulf is later in the hands of Hygelac. the queen asks Beowulf to watch over her sons.

6. many men end up sleeping in the beer hall because grendel has died and it they think it is safe. this is a mistake because Grendels mother goes after them for revenge.

Another Attack

1. Grendel's mother comes to Heorot no to finish her sons work but to take revenge for his life.

2. Hrothgar is devistated by the death of his retainer and sends Beowulf and Beowulf's men with his own.

3. The mere is a bog like lake where Grendel's mother lives among many other monsters.

Beowulf Fights Gerndel's Mother

1. Beowulf tell Hrothgar to revenge the death of a loved one, not morn them.

2. Before Beowulf enters the mere they find Aeschere's head. Beowulf kills a monster.

3. Beowulf prepares for battle by putting on his chain mail, golden helmet, and takes his sword called Hrunting given to him by Unferth.

4. When Beowulf enters the mere he is attacked my monsters. Grendel's mother takes him to her hall where the water could not hurt him.

5. The sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth melts.

6. Beowulf escapes when he wiggles free from the rubble.

7. Beowulf uses the sward to decapitate her. He also findes Grendel's body, decapitates it and takes the head home. The sword he used melts.

8. When Beowulf leaves he finds everyone left (except the great warriors),  him because  they expected him to die. The warriors are ecstatic at his return.

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