Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lit terms 83-108

Onomatopoeia: the use of a word whose sound to an extent imitates the meaning

Oxymoron: a figure of speach in which two words that opposites are put together to contradict. Producing a rhetorical efdect by means of a concise paradox.

Pacing: tempo, rate of movement.

Parable: a story whose purpose is to convey a moral lesson, religious princible, general truth.

Paradox: a statement contrary to generaly accepted ideas.

Parallelism: the principle in sentance structure that states elements of equal function shouls have equal form.

Parody: a mocking imitatiob of a pre existing work of Literature.

Pathos: the ability to call up feelings of compassion or pitty.

Plot: the plan or scheme to accomplish purpose.

Prose: the ordinary form of spoken and writen language . This language does not have a regualr rhyme pattern.

Protagonist: a cental character in a work of fiction, opposes antagonist.

Pun: a play on words, a humerous use of a word emphasizing different meanings.

Purpose: the intened result wished by an author.

Refrain: a phrase or verse recurring at intervals in a poem or song, chorus.

Requiem: any chant, hyme, pr musical service for the dead.

Restatement: idea repeated for emphasis.

Rhetoric: use of language, verbal and writen in order to persuade.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great job on the literary terms! I look forward to seeing more from you.
